Disrupting the cycle of homelessness for Greater Boston families.

Hildebrand is committed to working in collaboration with families, building on strengths rather than weaknesses, and identifying ways for families to thrive and become self-sufficient.

Parents smile at their baby.
Front of one of Hildebrand's residential buildings.
A man hugs a child.
A woman smiles at her baby.

What We Do

Emergency Shelter

Hildebrand operates 157 emergency shelter units across Boston and Cambridge.

Supportive Services

Hildebrand provides comprehensive, culturally-responsive case management and supportive services to all families in shelter.

Permanent Housing

Hildebrand works closely with each family to find a permanent home, and Hildebrand owns and operates 22 units of affordable permanent housing.

Stabilization Services

Hildebrand continues supporting families for two years post-shelter to remain stably housed.

A Snapshot of Our Impact in FY24

Hildebrand worked with 386 families. 

Hildebrand worked 1,145 individuals, and 58% were children.

66 families found permanent housing.

95% of families remained stably housed for at least 2 years.

  • Meet Arianne.

    Before coming to Hildebrand, Arianne was living in the Days Inn Hotel in Methuen with four of her children. She made the choice to transfer to Hildebrand because she knew the environment was not good for her children. On her advice to new families entering Hildebrand, she said, “Appreciate it, follow the rules, let the social workers guide you, follow directions to get where you want to. It’s easy – at first I was lost – Hildebrand made such a huge impact.”

  • Meet Lana.

    “My experience with EA shelter was less than memorable prior to being placed here at Hildebrand. Since I’ve been working with Marc I see a tremendous difference in how people who care about their clients, and their willingness to help make such a meaningful difference in the quality of life. Not only here in shelter, but well into the future. Everyone’s outgoing positive attitude is contagious and motivates me to do the best I can to help myself and others around me. I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have been placed here. I really just wanted to thank the people who have helped me in such a short period of time. It has been a long journey.” Check out Lana’s full story here!.

  • Meet Robyn

    At first, she says, “I was scared because I had been through this process once before…the kids were very aggravated and stressed from all the instability.” But with the help of Cristiano, she said, “I learned how to deal with different situations, and I can present myself in a respectful manner. I can deal with life on my own terms.” While at Hildebrand, Robyn enrolled in Hi-SET (GED) classes, completed Cambridge Savings Bank budgeting workshops and “learned to advocate for myself.” Robyn and her two children successfully transitioned out of shelter and moved into permanent, affordable housing in January!

Special thanks to our community partners for their support!

Do you want to help support Hildebrand?


614 Massachusetts Avenue
Third Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139
Ph: 617-491-5752
F: 617-491-2385

Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-5:00 PM *congregate living programs are staffed 24/7
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