2020 Back to School Campaign

By Hildebrand Family Self-Help Center


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This year, “back to school” means something very different to students of all ages than it did last September. The COVID-19 pandemic is still wreaking havoc on planning – summer plans changed; jobs changed; child care changed; grocery shopping changed; socializing and getting together changed. So much change! Not much looks the same right now as it did a year ago. But there are still things that haven’t changed, and that you can still rely on! And Hildebrand’s connection to children and families is top of that list. Hildebrand has always had a strong commitment to each and every school-age child in our programs that they will be prepared for school, ready to learn, and connected to education. Everyone is still waiting to see what “back to school” means: virtual? In-classroom? A hybrid of both? Of the 224 children currently in shelter at Hildebrand, 87 are ages 5-12 and 47 are ages 13-17. There are also 90 children ages 0-4, and 14 ages 18-24. And Hildebrand provides resources for each and every one – resources that include clothing, school supplies, backpacks, and whatever else is needed. We make sure that each child has the supplies, resources, and support to fully engage and participate in a learning environment – wherever that may be this September.
Another thing that hasn’t changed? Hildebrand’s appreciation and gratitude for your support during these challenging and transitional times. Hildebrand relies on the generosity of donors – like you – who provide financial support for important resources for the homeless families in our shelters and program. Education is so important to economic stability and self-sufficiency. Your investment in the education of the children at Hildebrand is an investment in their futures, and we are so grateful for your contribution. So please take a moment today to click on the link below, make a contribution to Hildebrand’s 2020 “Back to School” Drive! We look forward to keeping you updated on the impact of your donation, and to sharing stories about how this new education experience works with our children.

Do you want to help support Hildebrand?


614 Massachusetts Avenue
Third Floor
Cambridge, MA 02139
Ph: 617-491-5752
F: 617-491-2385

Mon-Fri 9:00 AM-5:00 PM *congregate living programs are staffed 24/7
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